Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How to Keep Your Skin Always Young and Beautiful

We all want to look young, trying to find all sorts of ways to extend as much as possible younger years and to enjoy more of a supple skin, lacked of imperfections such as horrible wrinkles.

11 Steps to Have As Long As Possible a Wrinkle-Free Skin

1.  Blueberries, broccoli, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and underbrush are true treasures, containing antioxidants, essential for health, but also to keep you young.

2. Another source of health and youth is green or white tea. Both proved highly effective in preventing and fighting against cellular aging.

3. If you do not suffer from any disease that ban alcohol consumption, try to enjoy a daily glass of red wine, very rich in antioxidants.

4. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are high in fibers. Daily, are essential at least 25 grams of fibers for the body.

5. Try to exercise daily. Even walking (in quick steps) may be a way to burn calories, although at least 30 minutes of a little more demanding exercise would be more advisable.

6. Fatty fish such as salmon, anchovies, herring, macron, tone, like the pumpkin seeds, nuts and avocados are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which should not miss in your diet.

7. Eat 3-4 tablespoons of cold-pressed olive oil, combined with a tasty salad.

8. Increase the elasticity of body, a good way would be Yoga classes.

9. Do not forget to meditate at least five minutes daily. Meditation has a beneficial effect on health.

10. Respect for sleeping hours. Try to sleep before 10 o'clock and wake up somewhere around 6-30 in the morning. You will feel very relaxed and you'll have a better efficiency in that day. Try not to have any contact with the TV or computer before bed, they can disrupt your sleep.

11. Regular sex can make you look at least three years younger.
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