Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sick of Hair Growth Problems? 9 Tips to Get Rid of Them

How to Eliminate Hair Growth Problems
If you are a woman of self respect, certainly you want to have an adorable hair that will always attract attention, regardless of season.

9 Ways to Improve Hair Growth

1. If the moon is growing, time for a haircut

Did you know that the moon is very much connected with the tides? According to a research, it's been proved that the most advisable is to shear your hair when the moon is growing, if you want it to grow faster. And to have a beautiful skin for a longer period, shave youeself when the moon is decreasing.

2. Massage the scalp

This method is effective because it stimulates blood circulation in the scalp area, resulting an easier access of nutrients to the hair follicle. Massage the scalp for at least five minutes daily with your fingertips on dry hair or appealing to olive or coconut oil, because it contain nutrients. Do not forget of massage not even when you you wash your head, using shampoos that are stimulating hair root.

3. Load yourself with vitamins

Grains, seeds, oils and vegetables rich in antioxidants and vitamin-B complex are a true blessing to the body, including hair. Do not forget to try also various supplements for hair, nails and skin containing these antioxidants.

Also hair drying, curling, clips and silicone  put in difficulty hair development. For a while, try to focus only on the mask, conditioner, shampoo and styling products that are natural.

4. Sleep at least 8 hours every night

Sleep has many benefits, including significant improvement in hair growth

5. Balanced diet

Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, zinc and magnesium are very important in terms of hair growth. And you can find them in foods like beans, cabbage, spinach, cheese, lentils, apricots, citrus fruits, green vegetables, fish oil, flaxseed, brewer's yeast and whole grains.

6. Betacarotene

You can meet in orange fruits, green and yellow vegetables, but also in tomatoes, is an essetial substance for proper development of hair.

7. Do not wash hair very often

Daily washes favors dry hair and reduces natural fat of the scalp, which protects the root. It is adequate to wash your hair no more than 4 times per week, depending on the level of fat.

For your hair to grow faster, don't appeal to permanent, discoloration and frequent painting. These are some harmful elements to the hair follicle. They are a reason for drying, and slowdown hair growth. The best thing would be to paint your hair only every six weeks. Paint only the hair root, continue on the length and leave it in this stage for 5 minutes, the result would be a satisfactory one.

8. Consume drugs?

Drugs such as contraceptives, those for heart disease, high blood pressure, gout, arthritis, depression can lead to a slowing of hair growth.

9. Have any of these vices?

Smoking, alcohol, coffee and soft drinks have the gift of slowing metabolism, including hair growth.
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