Wednesday, January 2, 2013

6 Little Known Ways to Avoid Cold Weather Effects


It's cold outside and you want to know how to avoid the effects of low temperatures? Follow these 6 simple rules:

1. Eating healthy is perhaps the most important of them. Avoid unhealthy fats and turn to the healthy ones found in fatty fish such as mackerel, catfish, carp, salmon, mullet. These fats improve blood circulation.

2. Do not forget to do a lot of exercise. According to experts on, breath or aerobic exercises are beneficial for lungs and provides better oxygenation of the blood.

3. It's important that after a day of work and a series of exercises to relax your feet in a laver of hot water. For better blood circulation, put in the water plants like thyme, ginger and marjoram.

4. Eat more fruits and vegetables because they are rich in vitamins, which will give you more energy.

5. Stay away from alcohol, for during cold periods has the ability to destroy your immunity against various diseases.

6. Tea is a real source of protection against viruses and can improve blood circulation. A good example is hawthorn tea.

You think I forgot any way to keep away the cold effects? Please share your thoughts below!