Wednesday, July 25, 2012

6 Great Drinks For Dieting

Drinks for Diet

When trying to lose extra pounds you need to know that not only unhealthy foods can throw off your plans, but also some drinks.

Highly recommended drinks for dieting:

1. Water

Yes, don't be surprised, water is a great substitute for carbonated drinks and a good way to eliminate calories from the body. Drinking two glasses of water before eating, body weight will decrease significantly, and you will not feel the need of eating very much. Do not forget that high consumption of water improves metabolism.

2. Skimmed Milk

Some scientists argue that milk has the ability to burn fat in the body, but there isn't much evidence in this regard. According to some research, calcium can lead to weight loss.

3. Fruit Juice

Fruit juice is rich in nutrients essential for health. If it's 100% natural, the chances of gaining weight are small. Increase the number of burned calories by drinking a little fruit juice mixed with water.

4. Vegetable Juice

It's also full of nutrients, but is lower in calories than fruit juice. For example, in 340 grams of tomato juice is 80 calories and 160 in the same quantity of orange juice. So be very careful with fruit juice.

5. Black Coffee

It's much healthier than energy, carbonated or diet drinks. There are no calories in black coffee, and if you drink moderately, you will have a better power of concentration, reduces the chances of contracting type 2 diabetes or certain types of cancer.

6. Green Tea

It's a miracle, rich in caffeine, it contains no calories. With a high content of phytochemicals, you will manage to lose weight easier.