Thursday, September 20, 2012

4 Incredibly Simple Ways to Prevent Diabetes (Don't Ignore This Article)


Did you know that diabetes is a so dangerous disease that many people of all ages suffer from this condition?

That's because most people tend to underestimate the harmful effects of how they live their life! Are you one of these people?

Imagine how small would be the number of diabetics if the world would follow these ...

4 Incredibly Simple Rules

#1: Eat more dairy

Because according to recent studies, eating low-fat dairy products dramatically reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. That's because milk proteins increase insulin levels in the body.

Do not forget that calcium, vitamin D and magnesium from dairy lead to a decreased risk of diabetes. And by the way, these foods will help reduce your desire to enjoy food with a high sugar content, which can cause diabetes!

#2: If you love fruits and vegetables ...

That's good, because research shows that consumption of fruits and vegetables by up to 21% reduced risk of diabetes. This rate may be increased if you eat more than 6 servings per day.

#3: Eat brown rice

Because they contain more fiber, vitamins and minerals than white rice, which has a high glycemic index, because they get digested quickly and help raise blood sugar fast.

#4: Avoid high calorie foods

If food is full of fats and sugars you'll gain more weight and the truth is that diabetes risk increases! You do not want that, do you? Eat good fats, existing for example in nuts, olive oil, or fish.

By the way, did you know that more than 8% of U.S. Population suffer from diabetes?

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