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How to Avert Ovarian Cancer
According to a study, one third of cancers can be averted by healthy nutrition. If you want to learn how you can reduce the risk of catching ovarian cancer, with great pleasure I invite you to read further!
This serious form of cancer wears another name: silent cancer. Simply because any woman, of any age can become ill without any annoying symptoms at first. Doctors say the risk of getting affected increases as age advances. 4 of 5 women aged over 50 are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, unfortunately just when the disease is too advanced. For this reason, the mortality level is 70%.
For now, it's unknown exactly what favors the appearance of this affection, but doctors believe that the elements that can develop this illness are: age, genetic and hormonal elements, obesity, endometriosis, infertility and hormone replacement therapies.
7 symptoms that indicates ovarian cancer:
- abdominal distension
- frequent urination
- abdominal pains
- post-memopauzale bleeding
- anal bleeding
- bloating
What should you eat to prevent ovarian cancer?
1. Chicory
According to research conducted on a sample of 62,000 women, it's been proven that women who regularly consume chicory were 75% less likely to be affected. Chicory contains a substance called kemferol that aims to eradicate cancer cells. Kemferol has the ability to vascularize tumor, which disadvantage its development.
The famous Dr. Oz says the ideal would be to eat two servings of chicory a week, a portion means a half cup of chopped endive leaves.
2. Onions
Remember that every day you should eat at least half a cup of onions, these have many anticancer substances that may prevent any form of cancer, including ovarian cancer. But be careful not to be boiled, because they lose 30% of anticancer substances. It's advisable to eat raw onions, cooked in a little oil. Red onions are 60% more effective than white onions.
3. Fish
According to Dr. Oz, fish has a significant content of omega-3 fatty acids, which decreases by 30% risk of ovarian cancer. Are recommended 2-3 servings per week. Eat more salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel, cod.
4. Tomatoes
After some research on a sample of 13,000 women, the result was that half a cup of tomatoes 5-6 times weekly, offers 60% more immunity against ovarian cancer due to lycopene, a substance found especially in cooked tomatoes.
5. Grapes
Grapes, grape extract and red wine contain a substance called resveratrol, which slows down angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels that feed cancerous tumors) by 60%, says Dr. William W. Li, president of the British Foundation of Angiogenesis!
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