Monday, July 9, 2012

Best 10 Drinks to Protect Your Health During Summer - Part I

It's summer, scorching heat drains you of any strength, sweat it's getting stronger, you're thirsty and you feel the suffocating need to cool yourself with something, anything. First, I beg you - AVOID soft drinks, those with high content of alcohol and sugar. They are true poisons which first will dehydrate you, the skin will be more sensitive against UV and on long term it can affect your health worse than you could imagine. In the next lines you will find out ...

The Most Recommended 10 Drinks to Hydrate Your Body in the Summer

10. Tomato juice

Has a high content of vitamins and minerals, which will help you not feel the need to drink plenty of water. Contains lycopene, a substance that is able to prevent many types of cancer.

9. Apple juice

If it's natural, I meen made by your hands at home, means that it is free of additives, is high in potassium, significantly reduces cholesterol and helps to eliminate toxins from the kidneys and liver. But beware, it's high in calories, so consume in small quantities.

8. Red wine

You'd better stay away from hard alcoholic drinks, especially in summer, but in case of red wine is another story, is the healthiest, most natural and one of the lowest alcohol drinks, rich in antioxidants and can prevent various heart diseases.

7. Orange juice

A really tasty drink, I adore it. It is extremely rich in vitamin C, but for a glass of orange juice about 10 oranges are sacrificed and content of calories in this case is worrying one.

6. Grape juice

It has a big content of antioxidants and as red wine, has a beneficial effect on the heart and arteries, also is a good purgative, eliminates toxins and reduces stomach acidity.

5. Pomegranate juice

Is the most effective juice for cancer prevention, because it contains many antioxidants. It is effective only when it is free of preservatives and is made from organically grown pomegranates.

4. Cranberry juice

It's extremely rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, and through the many benefits that I might mention would be the  remarkable ability to prevent urinary infections.

Do not miss tomorrow's article to find the healthiest 3 drinks of the 10 highly recommended for the summer.
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