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Do you remember when you were a kid, and you used to go out with your parents, and suddenly, when you were seeing a Red Robin restaurant, the temptation of eating a burger... was IRRESISTIBLE? You miss those days, and so do I.
Unfortunately, recent research on Red Robin nutrition show that these INSANLY delicious goodies are also... INSANELY unhealthy. Even if their taste is spectacular!
They're so damn tasty, but in the same time they're full of calories. Just to give you an example, according to, the Nacho Ordinary Chili Nachos with Chicken appetizer has some frightful values: 2,084 calories, 134 g of fat, and 4,045 mg of sodium. LiveStrong claims that, this is about the same amount of calories that you need every day, and the amount of sodium and fat for TWO days.
Who likes burgers?
Of course, YOU like. And yes... me too. The Royal Red Robin Burger is packed with 1,196 calories, 83 g of fat and 2,113 mg of sodium. American Heart Association says that excessive consumption of sodium can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.
Chicken sandwiches... suck
According to this Red Robin nutrition research, just The California Chicken Sandwich has 836 calories, 44 g of fat and 2,057 mg of sodium. Yes, it's true that is half of the amount of fat that you can find in certain Red Robin Burgers, However, it's considered as a high-fat meal by experts.
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